The Power of “Just Trying”

Embrace imperfection and unleash creativity. Break free from fear, collaborate, and step into the unknown to create something extraordinary.

We yearn for innovation like a fish floundering on dry land. Yet every life-saving wave of creativity is vaporized by our scathing judgment before it even reaches the shore, snuffed out by the obsession with perfection.

The fear of being judged has become so paralyzing that many organizations and government agencies find themselves in self-created quagmires—stifling protocols and endless meetings, collapsing under their own weight.

Of course, nothing new can be created this way!

You know what would be a relief?

If we all dared to honestly say to each other, “I’m just trying something too!”

Because really, everyone—whether a president, a single mother, a queen, or a self-appointed lifestyle guru—is just doing the best they can.

We are imperfect beings, each with our own talents to showcase. Let’s take the brakes off, go full speed ahead, and show each other what we can do.

Imagine the space this would create—a space to free ourselves from the harness of perfection and control, to move freely again. It would be a liberation of life energy that our bodies haven’t known in years.

In this state, spontaneous creativity and joy would arise naturally. Our mouths would truly smile again. We’d regain the sense to try new things, to connect with each other, and to live fully.

The renewal we long for is within us. Dare to try. Encourage those who fail. Collaborate. Take the first steps into the unknown—the no man’s land where no one knows what’s coming or how to do it.

Because right there, in the unknown, the new emerges. That’s where the most wonderful creations will arise, together. Beyond thinking, creating in surrender—that’s where we are infinitely powerful.

Also by this author

Soon Available

I Give Birth To The Universe

After great success in the Netherlands, with over 19,000 copies sold, I Give Birth to the Universe has now been translated into English and will be available soon.

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Tessa Smits

"I am Tessa Smits, and I will take you on an adventurous journey to explore the unknown and the supposedly impossible. My second novel, ‘I Give Birth To The Universe’, is a prime example of this, where our infinite creative power takes center stage. For me, art is the means to make tangible what cannot be expressed in words. Whether I’m creating art, writing, or crafting something else, my intention remains the same: to seek out what truly touches us, what is real, and what reminds us as human beings of who we truly are—immeasurably powerful."

Tessa Smits

Author & Artist | Creator of ‘I Give Birth to the Universe’ | Weaving Visuals and Words into New Worlds

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