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The English translation of I Give Birth To The Universe will be available by the end of 2024.

In its first year in the Netherlands, more than 18,000 copies of this book have already been sold, and the reactions speak for themselves—this book is being devoured! Below are all the reactions and reviews that my readers have sent me through various channels.

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I read your fantastic book in one go. It felt like coming home, a reminder, and a promise—all in one. I resonated with every word, from the first to the last page. You've put me back on my path. I had already taken steps, but this was the final push! Thank you so much!
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Great writing, Tessa! Your candor, your mission, and your perseverance through all the challenges are both relatable and incredibly inspiring. It encourages us to stand firm in our own visions. Trust, connection, and freedom—what wonderful wishes for every human being. I love it!
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I read the book in one breath! It was so inspiring to read about what it truly feels like to live in surrender. It gives me the courage to let go as well. Thank you, Tessa!
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The book is very inspiring, and I found a lot of recognition and beautiful answers to questions I also had. Thank you for your wonderful writing. Please continue on the good path you have found and may continue to explore.
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"Nothing left to lose, can you feel it too?" These first words from your book perfectly capture where I am right now after my second breast cancer diagnosis. They resonate deeply—I feel a sense of freedom, a desire to embrace the dullness down to my very cells until my true purpose reveals itself. No more self-judgment, no more struggling—just embracing life as a brave human being. Thank you, Tessa, for putting my feelings into words. I wish you all the best.
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What a lovely book, and for me, so much recognition. It must have been such a liberation for you to write so candidly—you should be proud of that. I'm glad you’ve put this out into the world because people like you are needed to connect as like-minded individuals.
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My heart opens up reading your book. Thank you for helping to unlock the new world.
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What a treat this book was! I found myself eagerly looking forward to continuing reading it in the sunshine each time. I feel very clearly that I need to take further action on the steps I’ve already begun. Let’s create a great new world together.
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I read this in just two days. It reads so easily, and everything is beautifully and clearly explained. While the subject matter isn’t unfamiliar to me, you make it so tangible and rooted in living life to the fullest. Everyone should read this book—our perspectives would shift dramatically. It's already being passed from hand to hand here. Thank you, Tessa, for sharing both your inner and outer perspectives.
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A lot of pieces , I got goosebumps , I could have written it myself , so much was in sync with myself, bizarre.
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This is not just another book; it contains a vibration that you, as a reader, cannot possibly ignore. ✨ Your uncensored description of your processes, fears, doubts, and thoughts, combined with your unshakable belief in the infinite potential of all human beings, opened my eyes (and my heart! ❤️) to new levels of consciousness and existence several times while reading your book. I received the confirmation that we can no longer stop the transmutation. The world needs us. Trust the power of the Light. Let go of all the plans and concerns you think you need, and go with the flow. I am ready now! Thank you, Tessa, for all your courage and passion, for all your effort, and for your honesty. Your book has encouraged me to fully surrender. Love you, sister. ❤️
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Dear Tessa, I gave your book to my granddaughter as a gift, and she told me it was exactly what she needed. I have now read it myself and find the content to be something every human being should dare to experience. Even at 83, it resonates completely with my way of thinking. I wish you overwhelming success. Kind regards, Jos
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Dear, exuberant, warm Tess, If only I had a fraction of your talent... It must be so blissful to be able to express yourself as you do. Your ability to abandon every stage and just create—schitterend! I can’t say I love every painting, but most of your creations on your blog are spot on. What I notice is that the process in your book seems to start over and over again. Each time, I thought, "Now she’s through," but then a new experience comes along, something you run into or that appears in your path. I’m 71 now, and I wonder how long it takes to experience all of this (sigh)... Bravo, Tess! Good luck in your future endeavors and in your intense love for everything and everyone. Heartfelt, warm greetings.
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Hi Tessa, I recognize so much of myself in your book. It’s comforting to read that there are others like me, where not everything goes smoothly either! I’ve been trying to shift to a more intuitive way of living for a long time now, but as you discovered, it’s not easy in our society. Of course, you encounter yourself in the process, and it helps to go along with it, even if it means facing deep valleys and high mountains! But eventually, you reach calmer waters, and you start to feel at ease with where you are. After that, for me, comes the inspiration to start doing what truly suits you. Last year, my husband and I were in a bad car accident. Fortunately, we came out of it okay, and it set everything in motion! I had already started a course on natural living and had been struggling to apply it. Now we had to—we started drinking fresh wild herbal tea, which opened a new path. The path of nature, intuition, and, above all, letting go. I have a big garden that I couldn’t keep up with at the time. I was stressing about what would become of it. But then I let go! Now, wild herbs are growing among my flowers, and it’s so beautiful! As I write this, I feel moved, knowing this is my way. Last week, another part of our house was ready to be put to use—who knows what it will become? First, I’ll experiment a bit myself and see what comes our way. I have all kinds of dreams in my head, and I will make them happen! Your book reassures me that I’m on the right track. Now, I’m off to work in the vegetable garden, letting everything flow and feeling wonderful—because that’s the way I’m sure! I hope many more people will follow this path, so we’re no longer so alone and can share our ideas and inspiration. Lots of love, Anja
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What an amazing book!!! I read the entire book with a smile on my face. I could see everything vividly before me, and I’m going to read it again soon because I want to stay in this feeling. Thank you for sharing this beauty... it gives me so much hope.
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What nerve to write all this! But above all, how wonderful that you take us through your experiences! I’m happy to sign up for the waiting list for the sequel you mention at the end of the book.
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I recognise your adventure and growth. Our stories differ but the inner journey does not. Thank you Tessa for this reminder🙏🏽❤️
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Just got the book out...... Immediately looked up the site. Looked at the pictures. I'm exhausted...... What a journey I've made..... How do I hold on to this? .....
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Dear Tessa, I was recommended your book when I was just starting out in secondary employment, a time when fear sometimes overcame me, and the sweat literally ran down my back. I struggled to let go of control. Wow, what a recognizable story. I had to take a weekend trip with our caravan just to make time to read your book. You know, from now on, it’s all about going with the flow. Letting go of control and just doing it. Thank you for your beautiful insights, your wonderful story, and for sharing the photos. Because yes, I was hanging on your every word while reading, wanting to imagine what your artwork looked like, what your husband looked like—in short, everything. 🙏🙏🙏🍀🍀🍀😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️
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"Dear Tessa, I’m so glad your book found its way to me. You’ve woven so many self-contained truths into an inspiring story. It has given me a quantum leap in opening myself up, with the awareness never to close again. It feels so wonderful to look inward and share this with others. Marcel's truffle ceremonies also resonated deeply with me. I would love to meet you one day. My heart tingles as I write this message."
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"Great book—I read it in just one week. What especially excited me is how much I resonate with your thoughts and feelings. I’ve only been exploring the spiritual side of myself for about a year. The only thing that makes me a bit sad is that I have so few people around me with whom I can share my experiences. I have a wonderful husband, but he’s not at all interested in the 'weird stuff,' even though I know the spiritual is within him too. Reading your book has sparked an idea or a plan in me to seek out like-minded people and maybe meet up once a month. I’m not sure how to make this happen, as I live quite isolated, but your book gave me the idea, so I trust the rest will come naturally. Thank you for writing this book."
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Dear Tessa, thank you for sharing your fire and openness. You touch me deeply with your words and that is delightful. Fire on 🔥
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"What a wonderful book! During a difficult period, it gave me the courage to believe in myself again and the strength to stand up for my ideals. It's so reassuring to recognize that euphoric moments are often followed by periods of struggle, and to understand that this is normal and part of the journey. This book will definitely help me be more confident in life, in myself, and in the people around me. Thank you, Tessa!"
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"I, too, recognized myself in so many of your words. The first few lines you wrote brought me to tears, and I even read them to my 15-year-old son. He said, 'Mum, this is about you!' For the first time in years, I was able to finish reading a book. What do I do now? I’m going to try to find my people and connect because, at 51, I've been alone with my feelings for too long. Thank you for your beautiful book. Heartfelt greetings to everyone here."
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"I just finished the book, and I got through it in just a couple of hours. It grabbed me. Now, I'm letting everything sink in. I've lived most of my life from a place of fear, always in my head. It's time to sink into my body and start feeling—to come home to myself, live from my emotions, connect with myself and others, and find my place in this world, which I no longer understand at all. I will definitely read the book again. It’s inspiring and came at just the right time. Love...❤"
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"Tessa, what an incredibly fun and inspiring book you’ve written! Wonderfully smooth and a real page-turner. I thoroughly enjoyed your adventures. Now that I’ve finished your book, I’ll be starting on your first one soon. I hope I enjoy it as much as I did your second book. And I must say, a third book would be more than welcome in due course. Warmest regards!"
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What an inspiring story. Super bold !!! and a great role model, love it!
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"I've read your book, and damn... what a book! I'm overjoyed that I followed my impulse and bought it. This is the book I can SO relate to because your story is my story. You've put into words what I feel inside. Truly amazing! The world I see before me, and which I know can be real—all I have to do is create this world, step into it, and leave the old game behind. The old way drains me, and I want to be full of energy and creative power. And I know it's true. A thousand thanks for stepping into your path and writing this book so fully, without holding back! Because I am that visionary and dissenter, just like you, and this gives me the courage to continue on this path, to give space to my feelings, my heart, and my creative power! Love, Renée"
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"What a beautiful, sincere, and honest book... I could use so many great words to describe it! There were moments I recognized and felt deeply, bringing me to tears. From the moment I started reading your book, beautiful things began happening to me and in my surroundings—even the less beautiful or challenging things, whatever you want to call them. I see and feel these moments differently now because they are part of what shapes me, helping me to find and embrace my true self. I’m definitely going to read it again, share chapters with a friend, and tell everyone about this book! Let’s connect and create something beautiful together. Thank you, Tessa, for this eye-opener. xxx"
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"Thank you for sharing your story. Everything you describe feels very familiar to me. As I approach 50, you’ve captured in this book what I’ve been feeling for years. It’s time to finally break through those blocks and discover where my true strengths lie. Best of luck with creating more beautiful stories together!"
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"I can relate to your book so much. So many things resonated with me. I want more—more of these brave people around me. At times, I feel lonely and alone, but I know I need to stick my head above the parapet, believe in what I can do, and trust in myself. Your book was meant as a gift for a friend. I planned to read it once and then pass it on. But now, I’m buying another copy because I want to keep this one for myself. You’ve warmed my heart. Grateful love, Mariska"
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"Great book! My energy was flowing until the truffle ceremony. It was nice to see and feel that I’ve stopped following the crowd for a while now. It’s given me a great experience and confidence in the journey ahead. After the truffle ceremony, I briefly felt the energy flow twice more, but I know I still have some inner work to do in that area. Thank you for this beautiful experience through your book. Love, Marjan"
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"Wow, this book puts words to the process I’m going through. Feeling like you don’t fit into existing patterns and structures often leads to a sense of 'there must be something wrong with me.' But after reading this book, I feel more freedom, as if it gives me permission to be myself. Thank you, Tessa!"
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"Dear Tessa, I finished your book in less than two days. What blissful and illuminating points of recognition! It was both inspiring and confrontational. One thing I still struggle with in some situations is giving myself fully, especially when others are involved in the 'game.' You don’t want to be self-centered, but then you feel the brakes, don’t you? How wonderful it must be to have a Marcel. I’ve been single for six years and have experienced a lot during that time. I too hope the world softens a bit—that people soften and dare to connect more. It would make life genuinely more fun, beautiful, and lighter. Thank you for sharing your vulnerabilities. It was so sweet to be able to 'see' you. Big hugs, lots of love, and I truly enjoyed your book. Looking forward to more of your creations 😉💋."
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"Tessa, The book I Gave Birth to the Universe provided recognition on certain levels. I consider myself a feeling person, but I’ve noticed that I’m still very much in my head. The child in me often takes over, leading to fear of change and distrust. Here are some key points I noted after reading: Being and feeling, being and connecting, being and loving. Freedom as the gateway to unprecedented possibilities. Setting intentions from your true feelings. Tunnel vision. Disengage, feel yourself. Struggle draws attention and can amplify issues. I also notice the latter in the workplace. Thank you for this book—a book that clearly and sensitively illustrates your journey. Love, Bea"
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"OMG... what a story 🤍💙💜💚💛🧡❤️! There are so many recognizable feelings and actions that you, Tessa, have taken—actions I would love to take myself, but fear holds me back. I enjoyed every word and every experience on your journey of self-development! I would love to have even a little bit of your courage. Your book gives me another kick in the ass to move forward positively and with an open mind. I’m already looking forward expectantly to book number 3 📕❣️"
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"Wow! First of all, thank you for writing this book, Tessa. I feel seen and understood. While reading, I often thought, ‘You see, it is possible! Creating that new world by yourself and together.’ I frequently had to pause to let the emotions wash over me and to absorb everything I had read (I often found myself crying with emotion and recognition). Especially during the description of the truffle journey, tears rolled down my cheeks—I recognized so much from my own Aya journey. Super beautiful! This book inspires me to create more from feeling, to live in surrender and flow, and to connect more with like-minded people. <3"
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"Wow, this has become one of my favorite books!!! What an inspiration and overwhelming sense of recognition. This is what we all need to do—connect, create, and make a difference. What you convey with your book is truly unparalleled! From the moment I started reading, I didn’t want to stop. Keep up the good work, and thank you for your beautiful, inspirational book!"
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"Thank you, Tessa, for this beautiful book, and for your candor and vulnerability. The book grabbed me very quickly and inspired me to take up Joe Dispenza's meditations again, curious to see what my intuition or subconscious has in store for me. You describe so well how challenging it can be to find freedom and let go, and the setbacks that sometimes come with it. Personally, I regret that you felt tempted to start using drugs, especially after experiencing so deeply that intuition and manifestation can be achieved through ordinary meditation and breathwork. From your book, I get the impression that you went less deep afterward, and I found the subsequent chapters less inspiring. But that is purely my personal feeling. I wish you many more beautiful creations because your artwork is also stunning."
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"I received your book from a friend and read it almost in one go. I myself went through quite a transformation after my incapacitation seven years ago, during which I got to know myself even better. It wasn’t always easy, but looking at where I am now, it was well worth it. I’ve done things I once thought were impossible. I even started an education and now share my knowledge and experience with anyone who needs it, contributing to a more beautiful and, above all, fairer world."
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"Wow... what a great book! I enjoyed it immensely!!! Hugely inspiring and very relatable 😉 In one word: sublime. Grateful 💜 It was super fun, after reading the book, to look at the photos and relive everything... to dream away."
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"The book touched me deeply. Tears regularly ran down my cheeks. I have deep respect for your candor and for standing firm in your truth. I saw a picture where you stand colorful among a colorless crowd. That resonated with me because I put that into the world myself. I am always colorfully dressed, wearing dresses, skirts, long hair, and a beard. I radiate that this is natural for me, and when people comment, I only receive compliments. Most don’t say anything, but some mention that it makes them happy."
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"Wow! What a lovely book. It fits so well with the process I’m currently in. Recognition and acknowledgment of that process—what a learning curve life is if you dare to face it. The dark night of the soul is intense and also so instructive; each time, it feels lighter as the pieces fall into place, and I’m able to let go of something. I’m grateful for this. Grateful for the triggers. Taking responsibility for yourself, looking for the answers within, and having the courage to let go—every time, it’s like filling a glass with courage and then jumping. You describe that feeling so well, thank you. It’s so comforting to know that more and more people are becoming aware, step by step, little by little. Yes, it does feel lonely at times, although I’m getting better at being with myself and finding happiness there. As a child, I felt so much, and then programming takes over. You know it’s not right and think, ‘I really am from another planet.’ Thank you, Tessa, beautiful, sweet, and inspiring person. Thank you. Big hug."
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"Every time I opened Facebook, within minutes, your book would appear on my timeline. I tried to ignore it because if I followed every suggestion thrown at me, I’d spend even more hours with my phone in my hand. But still… there was your book again, and that title intrigued me. What does it mean? I’m long past the age of having children—why is this on my timeline? Hesitantly, I read some comments under the picture of you with your book: "Inspiring, great, just at the right time." It was that comment—"just at the right time"—or something along those lines, that did it for me. For a few months now, I’ve been working on getting my health back to a level where I can walk pain-free again. At the same time, I’ve been thinking about what I still want to do before I finally settle into retirement. I find myself at a crossroads with many possibilities, but something holds me back from living up to my true potential. Is it because of my past? Still? After so much talking, learning, unpacking, and exploring? Is it my physical limitations, which literally restrict my movements? Or is it the "just be normal, that’s crazy enough" mentality, which this region of the country is so famous for and which I’ve resisted for as long as I can remember? I ordered and read your book. I went from one moment of recognition to another. The further your story progressed, the more recognition I felt. Your vision of improving the world, creating a paradise on earth—I’ve been painting about that for years. But locking myself into self-imposed rules and limitations has kept me from truly doing, creating, daring to feel, and experiencing my own path. Standing still, hesitating—these things keep limiting me from making something meaningful in true freedom. How comforting it was to read that it’s normal to hesitate, to fall back into old ways and paths. I honestly believed that once I decided to move forward full steam, failure or standing still wasn’t an option. That if I relapsed, I wasn’t a true warrior and perhaps didn’t belong in the company of women who dare to raise their heads above the ground. I sincerely hope one day to witness a brainstorming session on how to reach that heaven on earth, beyond the beaten and fear-based paths of avoidance. Thank you so much for writing and publishing this book, which came my way at the perfect time. I look forward to what is to come. Thank you."
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"Hi Tessa, Every time I was scrolling on Facebook, I kept coming across your book. At first, I didn’t think much of it, but the colors of the cover caught my attention each time. Still, I let it pass me by... But the universe kept bringing me back to your book, and eventually, I couldn’t ignore it any longer. I felt genuinely drawn to that post on Facebook. Being true to myself, I did what I usually do—I ordered your book without actually knowing what it was about, purely based on my intuition and the colors on the cover. I even ordered two copies, one for myself and one for a dear friend. I just felt it was the right thing to do! And yes, it was right! Your book resonates with what I feel and what I am searching for—purity, freedom, authenticity, connecting with yourself first, and then reaching out to others from that place. How beautiful it can be—sincere, straight from the heart. Thank you for this book, for the inspiration, the insights, and so much more. 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️ Warm-hearted hug, Saskia"
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"What an amazing life story Tessa! The courage and strength you found to dare to live with abandon, I hope to find one day. Fear still holds me back. What a wonderful person you are. I would love to participate in a truffle ceremony one day. Thank you for sharing your journey."
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"The book confirms everything I have felt since childhood; there is more! Thank you for spreading this light, it gives hope, strength and courage! Love Angèle from Gran Canaria"
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"Wow! This hit me right in the heart—so much recognition, space, and freedom. This is how it’s meant to be! Living in connection, first and foremost with yourself. Pffff... easier said than done, but this book came at exactly the right time. Honestly, I’m a bit sad that I’ve already finished it... I want more! Thank you! <3"
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"Wow, what recognition! I am far from finished with everything, but I’ve been transforming myself in recent years, and this book has given me so much inspiration. What a great idea to connect with like-minded people. I am so open to meeting people on my path with whom I can connect, where we can lift each other to a higher level. Tessa, thank you so much for these beautiful insights and inspiration. Love, Renate"
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"I read it in one go—I really couldn’t put it down. What a heart-opener this was. This world, which I am convinced exists, feels so much more real now, and this book gives me so much confidence. Thank you, Tessa, for sharing your story ❤️🙏 Now it’s up to me."
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"Fantastic Tessa! you touch me in the depths of my soul with this book ... keep on living the dream ... loves"
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"Three weeks off, loosening up, and letting go. I bought this beautiful book, started reading, and then stopped. I wondered, "What is this?" For 1.5 weeks, nothing happened—nothing really came. I felt restless, so I let go again, meditated, and allowed whatever needed to come through. I started reading again, then stopped again. It was so necessary to slow down first and reconnect with myself. Deep down, that’s what I truly wanted—a deeper connection with myself. But my programming had me trying to steer this with my head, arranging a retreat week, even between Christmas and New Year. I told myself, "I’m not giving up, I want this very much!" 😊 This book took me on a completely different path—the path of letting it come, realizing nothing is necessary, and that it will come naturally. This beautiful, inspirational story guided me onto a path where I can be at peace with what comes and what doesn’t. I’m now nourished by my feelings, my inner compass, doing things by intuition. What a freedom! And yet, the fear arises again, as you also describe in your story, which is so recognizable."
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Thank you, beautiful soul, for sharing your book! I’ve read many parts out loud to my boyfriend because what you write is so recognizable in our lives. Wishing you lots of love on your journey!
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What a great book! After a period of serious illness, I’m now physically healthy again and able to do a lot, but I’m still dealing with some mental aftermath. This is sometimes reinforced by my environment, making me feel anxious and insecure, which can bring down the positivity I found during my illness. Your book has meant so much to me 🥰—I cried with you, and at times also with happiness🍀 because it helped me regain the positive perspective I had during my illness and alleviated my insecurities about my feelings. It’s a lovely book to read, and it’s easy to get through, which is really nice.
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Dear Tessa and Marcel, I felt euphoric from beginning to end while reading about these energetic experiences... I acknowledge and recognize them... I didn’t want the experience to end 😊. I feel completely in tune with this book. All my life, I have strived for FREEDOM through feeling—systems are allowed to be overturned, rock and roll! OMG! Connection is energy, and energy creates Connection... we need each other! When this happens with the heart, it flows as it is meant to. Thank you 🙏😇💜. With love, I received the artwork and also bought the book as a daily reminder to my higher SELF to follow my feelings, bring Children into the Light, and anchor them. I’m so happy to stay in Connection.
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What a book. I literally found myself crying at least three times at the recognizable stories. I read it in one go. Freedom, vulnerability, and fears are so well articulated that I got goosebumps. 🙏
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Hi Tessa, breaking down is the only way to break through oppressive patterns. Thank you for choosing to stay true to yourself because it mirrors my hope and confirms my belief that I am here for the same reason. I read your book in three days, and this afternoon on the train, tears rolled down my cheeks. I realized my latest insight: incur pain, process pain, see the source of pain in its true form—the lines become clean and light. Thank you again for your honesty. ❤
Pippa Pinuppins Netherlands
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Holy moly, what a book! In a free fall, I gave birth to the very (very) All: I Gave Birth to the Universe by Tessa Smits. Just last night, I was honestly cursing a bit in my bed. I had only started it, her book that arrived in my mailbox as a gift from the universe that day. I was on page 155, exhausted, wanting to sleep—but I couldn’t. What a powerful book, it got to me. I woke up far too early for my liking, with my eyes lodged—scratch that, practically non-existent in my case—to read on. I canceled my appointments today for it. That’s also why I put off buying this book for a while—I already knew everything else would fall by the wayside once I started it. Tessa Smits is completely out of the closet, joyfully, colorfully, and shockingly authentic in her latest book. I read it with bated breath, shouting "YAAAA!", goosebumps running from head to toe, tears rolling down my cheeks, and a BIG SMILE on my face. This “grab-you-by-the-guts” book is insanely well-written! She no longer colors within any lines. Yet it feels like a geometric and cosmic pattern thrown over you—not as a safety net, not as a constraint, but as a parachute for freer flight, as a warm bed. Her passion flies across the pages—her depth, her height, her fears, and her courageous humanity enrich every page. Everything clicks beautifully. If I were a rapper, I’d write a rap incorporating all her titles, not just of the book but of each chapter. I met Tessa Smits at a writing week. She was beaming from ear to ear—all day long—even when she looked uncertain or fumbled with her words and visions. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. What PASSION that woman has! Was she really trying to reduce and contain this? Is that really what she intends to do? I sure as hell hope not! She won’t succeed anyway. Her eyes, her heart, and her soul are shooting fire. Cosmic, free, and connecting fire. I’ll honestly confess that during the famous "ball of characters" exercise, where I saw and felt my own name, true potential, and essence for the first time, I couldn’t help but flirt with her constantly. I kept looking at her, winking, smiling, standing next to her, challenging her. I was in love with her whole being. Not sexually charged, just utterly captivated. I wanted to conjure up her soul, fuel her fire, and never let it go out. I was certain: Tessa must burn abundantly, and NOW! In the years that followed, we continued to follow each other and occasionally recognized each other in the crazy leaps we made—always striving to escape the rules and norms "of that boring, tame world," always aiming for liberation. From home to home, job to job, to: Totally Free. Not for the sake of freedom itself, but because of the connection that can be fully felt and lived in freedom—with everything and everyone, with the entire universe. She surrenders, day after day, and in every free fall, she discovers: I am the very All! I am the AL. This message needs to be heard now. May all dissenters, all visionaries, all dreamers, and sleepers experience her book, her passion, her dedication, and her free soul in her art, her searching and finding, her doubting and leaping, her words and sentences. Dive in. Jump in! If ever I’ve heard a call to Hope in these times, it is this one—without the annoying deadpan or spiritual one-liners—it reads like a rocket through your own unprecedented yet magical possibilities. The Secret, Joe Dispenza (whom I never had anything to do with but am now spontaneously interested in), all that "I manifest my own life" American stuff finally becomes manageable, digestible, uncontrollable (that’s the key!), and above all delicious, light-hearted, sweet, and corporeal. This book gets your feet on the ground. For everyone! I Gave Birth to the Universe. Have you got it yet? From Tessa, the woman with eyes and heart full of fire. Cosmic fire. Freedom and connection always belonged together. Did you know that? Photos: A half-hearted attempt by me to capture myself as a woman with tired, tear-stained eyes—happy, surprised, overwhelmed by recognition—living the book of a woman to be devoured from the very first hour and the very first chapter, full of fire. Phew, now I can finally sleep again tonight. Tessa has far outdone herself in this book. I fucking love it!
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I received your book last week and felt I needed to make time to truly enjoy reading it. So I waited until yesterday, and now I'm almost finished... I’m completely in the flow! I found recognition in every page. Thank you for writing this book!
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Wow, what a beautiful book. I was touched, laughed, and cried—it's so beautifully and intensely described. I’m almost finished, but I’ll read it again, as I feel there’s more to take in. Thank you for this wonderful journey that has begun.
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‘Since Saturday the book and how nice it reads..... What a recognition, then with a tear then with a laugh. But it touches me deeply. Absolutely recommended!’
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Delightful! I read it all in one sitting! There’s so much recognition, as if my own ideas and feelings were given words. And now you live in Ruinerwold, my birthplace. I’ve also written my first book, for children, which will be published in about four weeks. It was created in a similar flow. This is it!
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I'm two-thirds through the book and I can't stop reading. One moment I have tears in my eyes, and the next, a smile on my face. I think I’ve already told Rinus five times how wonderful it is that a book has been written "about me," or rather, "about us." This is exactly how I’ve felt over the past year—how I want to live, how I should live. Despite all the resistance from those around me saying it can’t be this way, I feel from all sides that it absolutely can. Thank you! It’s comforting to know we are not alone in this. We’re going to do it—live life to the fullest.
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Your book touches me deeply, Tessa. I am very grateful for how it supports me in the process I am going through. I intuitively ordered two copies, not knowing who the second one was for, but when it arrived the next day, I knew immediately. A good friend’s birthday is tomorrow, and I’m giving it to her. I wonder if it will touch her as much as it has touched me.
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"Beautiful and powerful—how you write honestly about the ups and downs of your journey. The unending waves that carry us to new experiences, where sometimes wonder and connection, and other times intense suffering, reign supreme. A raw, exciting, and hopeful story, in which I recognize much and also feel inspired to open myself to the possibilities within me and the world. Thank you for your writing and your courage, dear Tessa!"
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"I’m grateful for this book. As a self-employed person, I’ve already paused twice to make time for myself and discover what truly suits me. Twice, the outside world has filled that time. This book is such a welcome reminder—to be quiet, to meditate, to embrace not knowing, but most importantly, to create space. Thank you, Tessa, for this book, your words, and the reassurance that I’m not alone in feeling this way. Now, onward to whatever may reveal itself."
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"Brilliant title and captivating from start to finish. So much recognition and resonance. Highly recommended!"
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"So relatable—a beautiful narrative about a brave soul who follows his heart. I, too, cannot and would not want to live any other way."
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Had given it to my,n daughter as a gift .... I knew this book was timely for her .... she read it in one go.....
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Just ordered it! Read the first page and thought, omg this is about me.
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"Read it over a weekend. So many recognizable moments. I 'think' (ha ha) I’m on the right track, and this book has validated that. When I read about your walks in the woods, I realized I need to find the trees too, but there’s something in me that scares me. Every time I tell myself, 'This week, I’m going.' But my mind is afraid of letting go. After reading the book, I know and feel that I have to take that step because I’ve been holding myself back. You’ve rekindled the fire in me to continue on the path I want to take. Thank you, beautiful Tessa."
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A book full of recognition! Like reading parts of my own story. The hand-poke, paintings and poems also occur around me and give a magical synergy! Thank you for this book and your being, Tessa!
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"Dear Tessa, I read your book in just a few days last week. What a pace it has, and how full it is of beautiful memories (because, of course, we already know all this...) and inspirations! After finishing your book, I finally watched a DVD that had been lying around for a long time about the life of Hilma af Klint. She too created her art to fathom life, just like you, just like me. It's beautiful to feel such sisterhood. 🧡"
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"The creation process is described beautifully. I recognize so much of your energy, and I believe this book is going to stir up a lot of readers. 'Not for wimps,' was my spontaneous WhatsApp comment to Tessa after reading the first rough draft with her. This book hit me immediately, and I couldn't escape a deep self-reflection. That’s what this book did to me. As you read along with the vulnerable steps Tessa describes, you can’t help but apply that reflection to your own life. Today, Tessa personally delivered the first edition to me! Highly recommended!"
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"Wonderful book, full of recognition and thoughtful insights. Highly recommended—thank you!"
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"Goosebumps, tears, and recognition all over! I keep encountering this theme—talk about synchronicity! I'm becoming more and more aware that I need to do something with this. Let the process of healing begin! Thank you for sharing this deeply beautiful story!"
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"Hi dear Tessa, I received your book yesterday along with a lovely message, and of course, I immediately started reading it. I’m now halfway through, and I won’t be doing anything else today until I finish it! 😂🔥🔥🔥 I meditated with the beautiful cards that came with it—quiet the mind, open the heart. I’m totally a fan. I’m moved and blown away by how much I resonate with it; I’m even reading sentences I’ve written myself! As a big Joe Dispenza fan, your story inspires me to dig up and alchemize some gold nuggets again. The book provides such great tools for experimenting, and above all, it fills me with hope and confidence, knowing that there’s at least one other person on this earth who wants to get everything out of life and experience its mystery intensely, taking all fears in stride. I could write a book just to thank you for sharing this with the world 🔥🔥🔥. Lots of love 🚀 Jorien"
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"Do others recognize synchronicity? Just as I received this book! The way it connects to my own process... I love this wonderful life in these moments! As we emerge from this winter, let us wake up from our hibernation and remember the creative power that you, Tessa, describe so wonderfully! The 'how'—staying in surrender—was what I was searching for, and you've provided the answer. Thank you!"
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Everyone has this book in them, with a different setting. You wrote it, what recognition, wonderful!!! Thank you!
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"So incredible. So much synchronicity. So many connections. So much recognition. How beautifully it reads. A lot of what’s in the book has crossed my path on my personal journey of discovery. I’ve also taken steps to do things differently—picking up the Light codes, getting a handpoke tattoo (2024), experiencing a truffle ceremony, and embracing art and creativity again, particularly in my field of glass ennobling. Meeting like-minded people in the wild—everything resonates at a higher, finer vibration, leading to wonderful manifestations. 🙏💫💜🍀 WOW. Thank you, Tessa, for sharing your personal experiences in this inspiring book. 🫂❤ Radiant greetings, Jeroen"
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"My book arrived in Spain. I picked up the parcel and quickly opened it... and then... the dishes were left undone, the vacuum stayed in the cupboard, and shopping was postponed to another day. I read it in one gulp, and WOW! The missing puzzle pieces are now in black and white. A truly beautiful book—congratulations! xxx"
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This book makes you go ON Let yourself get carried away while reading and then let go of everything and see what emerges. Thanks for writing Tess
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"Wow, Tessa! Thank you. Your portrayal of the universe, especially the way you’ve expressed it, felt to me like a wonderful brainstorming session in a spiritual spa bath. All the uncertainty followed by victories—the acceptance that change isn’t just a part of life, but life itself, with the only certainty being that flow of loving intelligence. It’s extraordinary that you were able to articulate this so empathically. It was really nice to read. And your call for connection—I’m excited to think about the 'how' and, of course, I want to participate!"
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"I’m not usually the person to write reviews or recaps, but I just wanted to let you know that this Belgian woman finds your book WELL INSPIRING. No, I didn’t read it in one sitting because I was interrupted five times by bursts of ideas. It felt like I was writing it myself at times—so relatable! If you lived nearby, I would have come knocking to congratulate you in person! If your workshops ever take place closer to Maastricht, I would definitely want to participate. A three-hour drive is a bit far for a workshop (or is it? :-D). Good luck with your next book and all your inspiring entrepreneurial ventures!"
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"In a few days the book was out 🤯 GREAT! Very inspiring, with everything I thought YAAAAA! That's't, everyone should read this book. Tessa, you go girl 🙌🏻"
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"What a great book! So much recognition in terms of process, which encourages you to continue discovering your own feelings, life mission, and to start living from your inner knowing! There's nothing vague about it—just the way it’s meant to be!"
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"When I saw this book, I felt I had to read it! And what a wonderful book it is! I am learning to be an energy therapist and had my Reiki initiation a few weeks ago. Above all, this journey starts with a connection with yourself, and how good and familiar that felt somehow. Meditating was something I had to try too. When I read about Joe Dispenza in your book, I looked him up right away. His meditations take me to another world. I’m excited to keep going! Your book has inspired me to take different steps in my life, and I’m so happy about that! Let the magic begin!"
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Fantastic book where I was sucked into your life and yet also felt as if I had experienced it myself ... so emotional and heartwarming. I feel free and got the final push to let myself be more free. Thank you, I send you positive energy back and beyond.
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"I read your book in one go. What you describe is very recognizable. As a human being, I feel a deep desire to create peace, happiness, and connection for all people. And I believe this is possible, but I too will need to explore and experiment. I also love that you use Dr. Joe Dispenza's meditations. He’s a great example for me because he works from a scientific perspective, and the connection between science and spirituality is something I find hugely interesting. I work in ICT (a hugely enjoyable profession, haha), and even in my work, I use my spiritual intuition to come up with solutions. In short, your book is a confirmation for me that much more is possible. I think it would be fun to do a workshop sometime to see if I can boost my creativity even more. Thank you for writing this book. Love, Jacqueline"
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"What a delightful book Tessa! You describe human struggles in an authentic way. That takes guts and courage. Straight through everything, to finally give birth to the universe. Fantastic! Thank you for this beautiful, real book!💜"
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"So stimulating, so inviting. It evokes a deep longing in me. We are at a crossroads, and as you write, Tessa, we are so close to creating our paradise on earth. For that, we desperately need each other! When are you going to organize something again, Tessa?"
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"Your review is deeply reflective and heartfelt. I've made some adjustments for clarity and flow: I’m so grateful that you wrote this book—it’s so needed at this time. It resonates deeply within me, stirring a restlessness about taking that next step... my soul says, "Follow, follow," as my heart whispers. What lingers most is the idea of disconnecting from the negative energy we give to all the nastiness on earth and instead turning that energy inward, so we can feel what truly makes us flow and gives us that passionate YES. Then the earth will naturally become so beautiful and radiant, a paradise... We are the creators of the greatest potential. It’s almost impossible to imagine this. In Lak'ech."
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"I ordered the book as a Christmas present for myself, and I was thrilled when it was even delivered to Spain—truly a gift, complete with two beautiful cards! I read it in two days, and it brought so much recognition and inspiration. It’s wonderfully easy to read, and you’ve left me so curious for more! Yes, when can and may we step forward with our vulnerability? All those questions in your head, and it's about releasing, letting go, and daring. Thank you, Tessa ❤"
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"Thank you for sharing your experiences with the world. It reads like, "Hey, this is me too." I can overlay the broad outlines of my process onto your story. I exchange experiences with people around me, but reading your public story now shines another beam of light on the awareness that so many of us are ‘in process.’ It illuminates and warms the collective journey. I feel even more now that we are doing this together. Thank you!"
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Wow what a wonderful book it touched me in many ways and is still buzzing. Something has been turned on. Thank you so much for sharing.
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"Dear Tessa, I love your book!!! I found so much recognition in it as well. I feel like I’m in a kind of ‘twilight zone’—in the past few years, with a lot of effort, I’ve said ‘no’ to many things that turned out to be a ‘no’ in my heart (marriage, etc.). Breaking free from old patterns often involved a lot of fear, and I’ve felt very brave in doing so. Now, my intention for 2024 is to act only from a place of YES, but I have no idea what that looks like, so my ego is going crazy! Your book gave me exactly what I needed right now. It also gives me incredible hope to see how much your book is resonating with others—momentum is building. I look forward to meeting like-minded people through you in due course; that gives me strength too. Thank you, and enjoy everything—let the magic continue! Love, Margot"
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Received the book last night and am already on chapter 12! What a great book!
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What an inspiring book. The description of the undulating movement of ups and downs is very honest. It shows that life is not all roses, but if you face and allow everything, it becomes more meaningful.
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"Your experiences and the way you’ve shared them in this book have deeply moved me, Tessa. So much recognition too... Thank you so much for making it happen—it was definitely meant to be. I/we need it! It’s a huge inspiration to give connection in freedom more and more space in my life! 🙏"
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"Dear Tessa, First of all, I want to thank you for allowing me the opportunity to read your book. What a beautiful piece of work. Pure, honest, passionate, emotional, and so much more... I’ve been living life differently for quite some time now, and every time I read a book like this, it brings me closer and closer to my true self. Thank you for sharing your story with us—it has exactly the right effect on people. It certainly did on me. 😉 I hope I can meet you and your husband in real life one day, because you are fantastic people, and I believe you have much more to offer this world. Lots of love, Cindy"
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"Wonderfully uncensored and boldly written. Inspiring how to let go of things and take on life, this book will encourage many to do so."
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This book is great. It gives me recognition, strength, insights and courage. How brave you are to have dared to write this open, honest and clear book. I am grateful to you for that. Kind regards, Astrid
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"Hi Tessa, Your book, I Give Birth to the Universe, arrived in my mailbox this afternoon... wow! While reading, I came across a long meditation by Joe Dispenza. Coincidentally, I just finished his book You Are the Placebo and was looking for his meditations. And there they were in your book! What a source of energy in my body and the space around me—super! Your book came my way at exactly the right time, thank you for this! Your paintings are beautiful too! I can't wait to read your book all the way through!!! Best regards, Marjo"
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"Hi Tessa, What a feast of recognition your book! And your art is inspiring too. Once did a ‘dotting’ workshop. Had some stuff in the house and this morning, in pyjamas, with my old mum, had a great time dotting. Totally relaxed, thanks for that ☯️"
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"Dear Tessa, In many areas, I feel synchronicity... it’s no coincidence that your book is coming my way now. The name Joe Dispenza has also crossed my path through three or four different avenues. Right now, I’m able to take a lot of time for myself—just because circumstances are slowing me down. I believe this is happening for a reason too. I recognize in your book the thread of what can happen when you become more authentic. Last year, I self-published my collection Van Gevangen naar Vrij and after it came out (June 23), I was able to take big steps where I truly felt that freedom. I quit my job and, miraculously, ended up in a wonderful, beautiful, and creative place. Despite being 80-100% on disability benefit, I now really come into my own, feeling heard and seen, and can pursue my passion—being creative. I did have to give up part of my income, but fortunately, I have enough to make ends meet. You’ve come so far in your process, and it’s amazing to experience and feel that, even as a reader. But it’s not helpful to compare myself with others. When I look at where I’ve come from, I’m incredibly proud of that. I’m also proud that I can share my story and inspire others with it. Tessa, I enjoyed your book immensely. I think your other book will arrive in the mail tomorrow, so I’m looking forward to enjoying that too. I love following your journey, and if there are any future activities, I’m definitely interested in them. Lots of love, Ilonka Oomen 🥰🥰🥰"
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"Beautiful Very relaxing A very beautiful way of life Fantastic works of art Congratulations This is also our way👍"
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"It’s so uplifting to read about experiences that resonate with my own life path, and it greatly strengthens my faith in inner strength. It helps that you write so realistically and honestly, Tessa. Because of that, you speak directly to me—and perhaps to many other 'head people'—and help pave the way toward connecting with our feelings. I never read books, but I was ‘obliged’ by someone this time, and now I’m grateful to pass it on to all the seekers in my network. I’m ON to connect with myself and the world!"
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"Dear Tessa, Thank you so much for your wonderful book. I read it in just 1.5 days. It was pure recognition throughout. You’ve put into words what lives inside me. Although I’ve done different things in my life, that inner knowing, the feeling that things can be different, the belief in the endless potential that we can barely imagine (which means we already have a threshold to reach), the No Man's Land, and so on—it's all comforting and inspiring to read in your book. Thank you. Warm regards, Angelique"
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"Wow! Exactly what I needed—what I knew, articulated perfectly, and a kick in the butt to really go for it, not just a small part of it!!! Thank you, dear Tessa."
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What a great book! It perfectly captures what I've also felt and known in recent years. I read it in one go. Your energy is amazing—so recognizable, so openly and honestly written! While nothing was new to me, the recognition and acknowledgment of myself gave me so much insight and confidence. Thank you, Tessa, for your healing story! 🙌❤️👏🔥😍
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Wow, wow, wow! I completely agree with everything other readers have said about this book. Thank you for your honest and candid writing. I would love to attend one of your events sometime.
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I got your book yesterday and read it immediately—what a sense of recognition. It is my dream to live this way; the fire within me is bubbling, and I'm ready to leap into this new reality. Thank you for this tremendous encouragement. I'm really looking forward to the readers' day you mentioned in your book.
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A fantastic book. Started in it this afternoon and I really have the wow feeling.
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Rugged, raw, faithful, and touching... fierce, heartfelt, relatable, and healing... knotting, growing, and blooming, inside and out... standing up, staying put, and going beyond delusion—from wild to real and true... not without me, not without you, not without us... Wow, Ramses has been reading along... vivre! Thank you, Tessa, for sharing your journey in this book. Chapeau!
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Fascinating. Bold living. My faith is growing, but this is only the beginning. I believe that the universe has our best interests at heart. Now, all that remains is to dare to surrender completely. Already, a much more beautiful and better world is emerging than the one we live in now.
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I flew through your book in just a few days with great pleasure and a strong sense of recognition! Wow, what a beautiful, amazing, crazy, special, and inspiring journey you’ve had—and how incredible that you’ve managed to put it all into words. It's almost impossible to describe just how impactful your book is, but you've done an outstanding job of taking the reader along with you on your journey. The subject matter isn’t easy, but the way you’ve handled it is truly remarkable! I also found it very special that so much of it felt familiar, as if the book was written specifically for me (and undoubtedly for many others as well). No wonder it needed to be shared! You have an important message to convey, one that helps raise awareness for all of us. It’s so beautiful how much this book touches on—confirming that we have indeed entered a new phase... What you think or desire with your heart can manifest so quickly, and by completely letting go and just BEING, the most beautiful things arise, always at the perfect moment. Thank you, Tessa, for sharing your story so openly—it's very courageous of you. It completely inspired me! Now there’s no turning back—haha...
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Dear Tessa, Your book is the first in ages that I’ve truly enjoyed reading, and I devoured it at the fastest possible pace—not out of rush or stress, but simply because I couldn’t put it down. I found so much recognition in your processes, reflecting those I’ve gone through myself in recent years. What a joy it is to learn to trust what IS! To understand that everything is fine the way it is, as long as I stay close to myself, feel what I should or shouldn't do, and follow my true desires. The final chapters, where you reflect on the world, resonated deeply with me. Right now, it feels like your book has given me the strength to continue with, despite the doubts I've had for the past month about whether I should just stop. I’m curious to see how things unfold, but the original idea of connecting various initiatives that help develop people from the heart and contribute to change in this crazy world feels meaningful again—just as your website appears to align with that mission. THANK you, dear one, for this wonderful book!
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I had a strong urge to read the book in one go, but I purposely held back! I took the time to listen to Joe Dispenza's meditations to go even deeper, so thanks for that tip, Tessa! It’s so beautiful to experience what happens when you trust your intuition—that’s how I found your book in the first place (a bit of scrolling on LinkedIn, seeing your call to pre-order, and before I knew it, I had paid! ;-)). Your book is now ready to be passed on to a friend who has been living in Spain for a few months. I’m sure it will be just as inspiring and relatable for her too! Thank you for your openness and for being such a source of inspiration!
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What a book! It came at exactly the right time. It's unbelievable how the vibes and energy flow through the pages, carrying me all the way to the depths of my soul. Thank you for writing so openly about your struggles and for laying your vulnerability on the table. Thank you for inspiring me so much!
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Hi dear Tessa, my whole being resonated while reading. What a rise in vibration! Wishing you and Marcel wonderful moments every day. Your light illuminates the other. Greetings Marcel 🙏
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After reading ‘Bankrupt doesn't get any prettier’ without hesitation, I ordered this book. Tessa has a very fine writing style and explains complex things in clear language. It reads like a novel and is at the same time a personal development journey. Again, I found a lot of recognition in her writing and path. This book is next level! Both the writing and the content.
Marie JoseNetherlands
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Hello Tessa, As soon as I had the book in my hands and read the first pages, I got goosebumps and felt a surge of energy throughout my body. Gradually, processes began to unfold within me—heart palpitations and the fears you describe were also my fears. Around the full moon in September 2023, a lot was already happening to me, and your book only intensified it. Everything feels like a profound recognition! Living from a place of NOT KNOWING and TRUST, I too navigate my life. Our creative power has brought us to where we live now. The secret forest garden became my secret forest garden. Thoughts, creative power—they are all there. EVERYTHING is there! I love being connected to people who live from a place of CREATION, in connection WITH each other.
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‘Tessa tells like no other what happens when you let it happen. Letting go in optima forma.’
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Top! I read the book and recognized so much. I occasionally had to sigh (🤭🤭) at your tendency to "fall back into the skeptical habit," which, by the way, was also relatable and gradually diminishing. 😄 For many, this book might serve as a funny and pleasant wake-up call in terms of being direct and transparent. For me, as someone who is already direct and transparent, that wasn’t the main takeaway. What really struck me was the sheer relief and joy that the Universe broke open with you. So recognizable! It happened with me too! 🙏💢🌀💥🪐💥🌀💢🙏
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Dear Tessa, I devoured your book in almost one go (just like your previous one, by the way 😉). Thank you for putting into words the experience of surrendering to the flow of creation, of love, of worlds that aren’t always visible, but that we have the privilege of bringing to canvas with color and form. And it’s so much more than that. ♥️ So much recognition! I’m increasingly experiencing how I can leave existing structures behind and open myself to receive, so that I may pass it on. Trust, surrender, love, creation—what a wealth.
Marie JoseNetherlands
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Wow!!! Fantastic book, Tessa!!! I read it in one go!!! It resonated with me so much. I've been involved with Scientology for 50 years, and the same media you are fighting against leaves no stone unturned, even though what they claim is completely different from reality. Through Scientology, I became authentic, truly myself, and I stand firmly behind myself and Hubbard. The book was a great boost for me—so wonderful and full of solutions. Yes, we need to start loving ourselves and standing behind our beliefs, not allowing ourselves to be led like sheep to the slaughter, which unfortunately happens all too often while few realize it. I sincerely hope your book will create change on a larger scale. I ENJOYED it and recommend it to everyone. Thank you, and best of luck. I will continue to follow your journey. Much love, Marie-José
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"Recognition, hope, memory—and that moment of 'Oh yes, this is how it is, this is how it works, I actually know that.' These are the universal rules; this is how manifesting works. It's hopeful to realize that this is truly possible, and that we need each other in this process."
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"I read your book in one breath. Wonderfully smooth writing. I recognize your stories and your passion! I’m looking forward to your next adventure."
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Tessa I have started in your book..... I already love it!!!
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"I enjoyed your book so much—again! Once more, I found myself constantly nodding in recognition with plenty of ‘Yes, exactly this’ moments! I loved it! It’s just too bad it’s over…"
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"Dear, sweet Tessa, courageous woman. Thank you for writing this book, and especially for stripping away the veils and living from your truth. Yes, there—there is the truth, the connection, the creation with essence as the foundation. I loved reading your book; it went straight to my heart and was a profound sign of recognition, not only literally but especially figuratively. This is what we need to do."
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Dear Tessa, beautiful woman. Have read your book in one go. What a ‘feast’ of recognition in this bittersweet journey of letting go, surrender and trust. Thank you so much for who you are, your courage and this beautiful book!
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Reading, a few more chapters, can hardly stop.... What recognition!
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"Hi Tessa, the processes you describe in your book are so recognizable. I particularly resonate with the idea of ‘systems change through awareness.’ I get to be my own authentic, loving, yet slightly crazy self within the system, and I find a lot of freedom and space in my work. That has been very healing, I can tell you. When I am passionately myself within our management team (I can't do anything else either), I receive so much support. So the shared mission is clear: by being authentically yourself, you connect with others, which creates space and frees both you and them from judgments and dogmas. Greetings, Linda"
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"I read the book in one go. Tessa has mastered the art of grounding what, for many, is a rather floaty subject. I experienced a lot of recognition while reading it and see it as a lovely reminder to keep trusting that living in a magical flow truly exists!"
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"Hi Tessa, I received your book from my dear friend Annemarie, and I’m devouring it. It feels as if you wrote it especially for me! 😂 The timing couldn’t be better. Thank you for sharing this inspiring, motivating, and supportive story. Trust the fucking process. ❤️"
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"Top book that resonates immensely! The ending is very well done too. It's impressive how you were able to articulate the state of the world so neutrally 😉."
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A beautiful book that encourages you to live from your heart And I'm only halfway through!
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Lovely read. So much recognition and longing. Thank you for taking us into this reality.
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"Wow! My wife pre-ordered this book, and one day you showed up at my doorstep to deliver it personally. I realized that only after I had said ‘thank you’ and closed the door. It was nice to have made your acquaintance, even briefly. My wife read it first, and I just finished it myself in two days. What a great book, and what a perfect fit with the journey we're on right now, and the vision I have of what’s happening in the world, who I am, and the path I’m on. The world is crazy, and it might need to get even crazier, but anyone who reads this book and feels it resonate will understand that this is the way the world needs to go. No doubt we will meet again! Thank you for this wonderful experience."
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Can't say otherwise, fucking awesome book! It's that we are moving, but otherwise... I would have read it in one breath!
Dot Art AmsterdamNetherlands
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I have just finished reading it. Wonderful book. Fascinating, honest and inspiring 👏. And thank you for the beautiful cards 🙏.
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Hey beautiful woman, read your book. Coming home. THANK ❤️
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"I read it in no time—a beautiful and honest story with grounded spirituality. It’s about being able and daring to live authentically, even when there’s no clear prospect at the end of the story. Staying true to herself and trusting in what is yet to come and take root. Thank you, Tessa!"
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What a book! Not out yet but it feels at once like (h)acknowledgement as a glimpse into what lies ahead for me. And it gives me so much zest for life ✨😇❤️☀️🙌🙏🏻🌹
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Ordered, read and immediately ordered 3 more What wonderful recognition. Despite ‘writing’ myself, I could never quite put into words what I think is going on in the world and therefore in me. But you, Tessa, translate it beautifully here. Hence the extra order, now I can let my surroundings read your book about ‘my experiences’. So thank you and also thank you for the beautiful cards. RECOMMENDED, dear people!
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"I think it's a fantastic book! Couldn't put it down and already almost feel like re-reading the book (a week later). This one is a keeper that gets to shine next to Big magic."
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"The passion, fervor, and emotional voice I heard when I met you in Drenthe are reflected letter by letter in your book. I love people who can speak and live with their heart on their sleeve—without brakes, just fully grounded, raw, and uncut. Beautiful, Tessa. I truly enjoyed reading this book, and I deeply connect with the energy of you and your love! ❤🦋🙏."
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"Thanks Tessa, A lot of (h)acknowledgement. I know this is true. Moving, and touched by your story. Living in surrender, that's what I and everyone wants anyway! Thanks"
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"What an amazing journey, so grippingly described from the heart! I read the book right away because of the recognizable process. It’s enormously inspiring! It has truly flipped the switch for me, providing the confirmation I needed and fulfilling what my Being was longing for. Count me in..."
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"I would like to wish everyone happy days. I’ve also posted my extended comment on my Facebook page. In 2024, we will see the launch of many initiatives dedicated to connection and freedom. And that takes a lot of courage. Are you tired of wearing a mask and longing to be your pure, authentic self? Then the book I Give Birth to the Universe by Tessa Smits is truly an eye-opener and highly recommended. My wish for 2024 is that many lights will shine brightly, creating a chain reaction of connections. One thing is for sure—after reading this book, I’m back ON again. Thank you, Tessa!"
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"Received the book yesterday and already finished it today. So much recognition throughout. I regularly felt chills or goosebumps as I read. A fantastic book that helps me stay on my path—wherever that path may lead..."
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"Wow, what a great and inspiring book, really highly recommended. What courage to start living like this. What a great example for everyone! Thank you so much for writing it."
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"Everything feels right—this book, my heart, everything. Beautiful. Last week, I texted my friend, "I'd rather go back to my lonely mountain." I was defeated. I had emigrated to beautiful Northern Norway, away from it all, hoping to find "home." But I found nothing. Now I’m back in the Netherlands for a while. The day after I sent that email to my friend, this book arrived in the letterbox. I laughed so much—at you, Tessa, and at myself. Because YES, I was sitting there on the mountain, being angry too! There was so much recognition, as if I were sometimes reading my own thoughts, there, black on white. Daring to let go of control is something I’ve been struggling with for a long time. One step forward, two steps back—that's how it feels. But now that I have this book in my hands, it feels like a huge boost in confidence. I hope to soon take two steps forward and only one step back. But well, I guess I can let go of that expectation too, haha. I believe this book found me through the intention you gave it, Tessa. A thousand thanks!"
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Read in one pull. Trust and belief in your own source that is what we need in this world. Let life be a celebration for everyone and the energy flow. This book you want to read. Tessa I am ON.
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Great writing Tessa! Your candour, your mission and going through all the shit. Recognisable and so inspiring to go and keep standing for our vision. Trust, connection and freedom is what you wish for every human being. Love it!
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"Your book touches me deeply, Tessa. I am very grateful for how it supports me in the process I’m going through. I intuitively ordered two copies, not knowing who the second one was for, but when it arrived the next day, I knew immediately. A good friend's birthday is tomorrow, and I’m giving it to her. I’m curious to see if it touches her as much as it did me."
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Whaaaah, what a fantastic book! It came my way 'by accident.' I ordered it straight away and am halfway through now. This book has come at just the right time for me.
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Have almost finished the book, but wow what recognition. You speak the language of my soul and apparently I was allowed to hear this again for a while Grateful!
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Yes, please let's all be ON. What a wonderful energy your book has. Let it make me happy to send such positive energy into the Universe that love overcomes chaos. ❤️🙏
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"Dear Tessa, Yes, this—exactly this! Feeling, becoming aware, being open to what’s coming, even when you don’t know (yet) how to organize it. Tessa, my body is ON because of your story, your book. It touches me to my deepest cellular core and makes me curious about what else is possible. I’m allowed and able to discover myself even more, an adventure from minute to minute, sometimes without any sense of time. Soon, I’ll go one layer deeper—or higher (depending on your perspective)—together with Marcel Dekker."
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"When I first saw the advert on Facebook, I thought: good marketing, but I’m not going to fall for it this time. However, your story and the comments eventually intrigued me, and I asked for the book as a Christmas gift. What a wonderful gift it turned out to be!!! I read it in just two sittings and wished it could have lasted even longer. There was so much recognition and so many learning moments. Plus, your writing style is incredibly pleasant to read. I hope the world gets to experience this kind of awareness as well. Thank you for sharing your experiences. For anyone hesitating to buy the book: don’t hesitate—just do it!"
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"Dear Tessa, I enjoyed this book immensely. Your enthusiasm and exploration are so relatable. I often found myself reading with a smile. While I carried this book with me in my bag, I came across places where I thought, "This is where they could use some Tessa." So now, I’m going to pass the book on to a friend, and I hope she will pass it on as well—‘spread the word.’ The card and beautiful drawing are hanging on my notice board as a confirmation of my daily affirmation 🙂 Lots of love from Brabant"
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"Hey Tessa, What a wonderfully beautiful book! I saw it pass by, and the title caught my attention—I loved it. I read it and shed some tears here and there. Your artwork is beautiful. Warm greetings from me, and oh yes—Merry Cosmos and Happy No Fear!"
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"Dear Tessa, Thank you for sharing your process, described so clearly and accessibly! You inspire me, and I feel a deep sense of recognition: out of my head and into my body! That’s where the answers lie. For several years, I've heard a whisper inside: "Go write." Because of your book, I’m finally going to do it. I have no idea what I’ll write about, but I trust that it will become clear. Kind regards, Bea"
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A fine book. It gives me new energy. I am 74 years old and still grieving the loss of my late husband, but now I feel again that I am more than just old and a grandmother. Thank you.
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"This book is so great! I read it in one sitting, and what you write is so recognizable. I am completely open to connecting and creating with others, embracing new encounters and collaborations. While reading this book, I also felt some resistance, but I allowed it to be there—feeling, feeling, feeling. What courage you’ve shown in doing this, and at the same time, you’re a tremendous example! Without resisting what no longer serves us, we can be open to ourselves, to our power, and to new encounters. Heavenly. I’m thrilled to join your tribe!"
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"What a delightful book, and what recognition! Tessa describes issues that I’ve encountered throughout my life. She presents things raw and pure, just as they are—no nicely polished ‘new age-bullshit.’ With her feet on the ground, she also dares to address the less beautiful sides of living from connection. This book encourages me to choose, more and more, to live a life animated by connection. Thank you, @tessasmitsart! 🙏🏻✨💖"
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"Tears of happiness...what recognition. My whole body turned on and went from yes, yes, yes... What a great book and I feel incredibly grateful that this one came my way. I am eager to connect with you and everyone else. I yearn to connect with like-minded people to bring light and love into the world brengen❤️"
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"I just finished the book and sincerely enjoyed it! It’s wonderful to recognize, and especially to deeply know, that we get to develop this in our earthly lives. Thank you, Tessa, and I truly enjoy feeling the connection with you and all these people... there are more and more of us! So hopeful, so wonderful!"
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"Hello dear Tessa, I read your book in just three days. It resonates so deeply with my life, and there are so many areas where we share the same train of thought. I truly believe you are a brave woman, and together with your husband Marcel, you have created something beautiful. I hope to meet you one day—if that’s meant to be, it will certainly happen. I send you lots of love and goodbye."
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"Regularly moved to tears while reading this beautifully written and oh-so-recognizable story. I felt this one deep in my heart and soul. In fact, I’m just now wiping away my tears after reading the last page of the book. I’m at the beginning of (yet another) new phase of this journey in search of freedom, love, and connection. This phase began last year with a realization: each time I’m "tackling" my life—which, by the way, I’m very good at if I say so myself 😉—and overthinking what I can do next to make it go in the direction I (think I) want it to go, I realize that what is for my highest good cannot flow through me because my hands are already occupied with tackling. From then on, I increasingly chose to trust, let go, feel, and return to my own center, even when I didn’t know what it would bring. This book gives me even more confidence that what I’ve always felt inside is possible, that there are more people who feel this, and who even take beautiful actions toward it—step by step, exactly what I love! Thank you, Tessa, for candidly sharing your amazing adventure! I really enjoyed it. ❤️"
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"A book for the crazy ones, the dreamers, lovers, and visionaries," I read on the first page. Well, as a double Aquarius, I fit those traits perfectly. What happened next was something I hadn't experienced in a long time, despite years of buying (and not always reading) hundreds of spiritually oriented books: I hungrily devoured this one in just a few days. It all came down to 'connecting the dots'—connecting Joe Dispenza, the pineal gland, truffles and other realities, manifesting, healing, trusting, creating the New World, and the sacred connection with your partner, as in Sacred Marriage. No doubt there are a series of other recognizable puzzle pieces that I’m forgetting to mention now. I Command the Universe comes at just the right time. I’m not surprised that the book is selling like crazy—countless like-minded souls were and are waiting for it. My own eternal mantra: connecting, physically, in the real world rather than through dancing letters on a screen—that's the real thing. Bringing ideas and talents together, cross-pollinating, from the heart and with an ego reduced to the size of a pea—that’s what needs to be done. For years, I’ve been sensing the soul tribes who are waiting for this. Now is the time; that much is certain. This book is extremely inspiring for people like me and many others who have consciously or unconsciously entered a transformative period. There is much work to be done, and this old boy is very eager to contribute. (I’m already taking an option on buying your next book, even if you have yet to start it.)"