“I’m curious about how you’re activating yourself. Do you have any tips?”

Discover the power of being ON—alive, in flow, and connected to your true self. Explore tips on how to ignite your life energy and stay in tune.

I received this question from a reader and immediately thought, “What a great question! I’m going to dedicate a post to this one.”

ON—I use that word often in my book to describe how I feel alive, with life energy flowing through my body like a swirling river. When I am ON, I feel completely in tune with myself; everything flows effortlessly, time disappears, and I create without thinking…

Fantastic, isn’t it? For the record, I also often experience the opposite. There are times when I’m far from being ON. I get stuck in fear, as if I’m trapped in frozen potholes, struggling to move forward no matter how hard I pedal. By the end of the day, my whole body aches.
The Flow of Life

Being ON, going with the flow of life, is so much nicer. But how do you get there?

To experience this, you need to connect with what drives you, who you are at your core, and what turns you ON. The real question is: can you feel yourself fully? Do you feel connected to who you are?

That connection isn’t always accessible to everyone. For instance, my self-protection—due to childhood trauma—was on high alert. Protecting yourself from the outside world often means not feeling anything. As long as you don’t feel anything, it seems safe. But being cut off from everything also means being cut off from yourself.

I first had to feel safe again before I could allow my inner world, with all its emotions, back in. Only then could I start to experience who I truly was.
Peeling Off Protection

This requires taking small steps. You can’t solve this in an afternoon. Your protection is there for a reason, and it’s deeply embedded. The nervous system can be triggered by the slightest thing, and when that happens, the only thing that’s ON is your protection, with its bright, flashing warning system.

This entire process happens within your body. And this is where the key lies—this is where you can heal, open up, discover, and find your ON button. Fortunately, you don’t have to do this all by yourself. There are various forms of bodywork that can support you beautifully in this journey.

In my book, I share my experiences with breathwork, meditation, and psychedelics. These sessions brought me closer to myself, peeling away layers of protection and offering glimpses of my true self.

For example, I’ve also done bodywork sessions where my body learned to relax again. When you can truly relax, your protection softens. I did some wonderful work with Maria van den Dool in this area.

I also benefited greatly from personal healing codes and energy routine exercises provided by energetic healer Els Botman. For years, I practiced these exercises daily, which calmed my nervous system and gradually reduced my protective barriers.

I highly recommend Lars Faber’s breathwork and inner child meditations. They’ve helped me lovingly release past sadness so that old pain no longer triggers my protective mechanisms. This has allowed me to feel love for myself again.

For me, art also played a significant role. It helped me give words and images to my inner self, providing insights into who I truly am. This, too, helped me connect more deeply with myself.

In short, this is a lifelong process—a journey of lifting new veils each time. As I continue this journey, being ON becomes more and more my natural state of being: alive, present in my body, and aware of who I am. How wonderful is that!

I’m curious about your experiences.

What do you do to fully get into your flow? How do you turn ON? What tips would you give the reader who asked this question? You can comment here or read the comments below the Facebook post.

And dear readers, please keep in mind as you read the responses: everything is valid! Whether for or against, positive or negative experiences, tips from all corners of personal development—everyone experiences this from their own perspective. Everything is true! So, feel what resonates with you, and if you’re not sure yet, keep experimenting until you can feel it.

Let the magic begin!

Also by this author

Soon Available

I Give Birth To The Universe

After great success in the Netherlands, with over 19,000 copies sold, I Give Birth to the Universe has now been translated into English and will be available soon.

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Tessa Smits

"I am Tessa Smits, and I will take you on an adventurous journey to explore the unknown and the supposedly impossible. My second novel, ‘I Give Birth To The Universe’, is a prime example of this, where our infinite creative power takes center stage. For me, art is the means to make tangible what cannot be expressed in words. Whether I’m creating art, writing, or crafting something else, my intention remains the same: to seek out what truly touches us, what is real, and what reminds us as human beings of who we truly are—immeasurably powerful."

Tessa Smits

Author & Artist | Creator of ‘I Give Birth to the Universe’ | Weaving Visuals and Words into New Worlds

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