Working Freely On Assignment

Discover how to maintain creative freedom while working on commission, balancing intuition, trust, and client relationships in your projects.

It seems contradictory: someone pays you to create something on commission, yet you have full freedom to decide what it will be. For me, that seemed impossible and was the reason I quit my job as a freelance marketer and web builder. I dived into my other passion: painting, not realizing that this switch would lead me to the ultimate working method for my ‘old work.’

I began creating art freely, following my intuition and enjoying the process. Then, I was asked to create something on commission. My initial reaction was to decline, but after some time, I began to wonder how I could maintain my freedom while working on commission.

I concluded that it’s all about fear and security. Clients don’t want to pay for something without knowing the outcome, so they try to control every detail—leaving no freedom for me. And I didn’t want to risk not getting paid, so I sought comprehensive briefings.

But what if I could set aside my fears? What if, by doing so, I could give myself the greatest gift: Freedom?

And so, I began taking on assignments where the client provided only broad outlines (and I mean really broad outlines) of what they wanted on their wall. I then started working on a new painting in complete freedom, with one important agreement: no obligation to buy! This allowed the client to give me complete freedom, and I was able to create something I truly felt and believed in. If someone didn’t want it, I knew I had created something I loved and could sell it another way. The result? Out of all the commissions, only two clients wanted something different, but even they ended up buying another painting from me! And the two paintings that were commissioned but not sold were eventually purchased by someone else.

Can I Build a Website Like I Paint?

A few years later, I met someone who really wanted me to build a website for her. At first, I resisted; I didn’t want to take on another commission. But then I thought: could I approach building a website the same way I approach painting?

I asked her to experiment with me. We started by discussing what she wanted to put into the world—images, words, and colors that came to mind for both of us. We brainstormed freely about her mission. Then, I began working on a first draft, treating it like the foundation of a painting. If it resonated with her, we’d continue building from there. But if it didn’t, we would stop, and she wouldn’t owe me anything.

Yes, I decided to take a risk with this approach. A first draft of a website that someone doesn’t like can’t be sold to someone else, meaning I could end up working for nothing. But by now, I knew that to create something truly beautiful, I had to preserve my freedom.

Trust & Connecting with Your Customer

The risk, by the way, isn’t as great if I’m truly connected with the other person. Then I can sense clearly whether it’s going to work or not. So, I had to start trusting my intuition and maintain sincere communication with the client. I always stay honest—never accepting an assignment just for financial gain or continuing with something that doesn’t feel right.

And I have never regretted it! I’ve now been working purely this way for a year. Only once did I feel it wasn’t going to work, so I returned the assignment (after 8 hours of work) without charging anything. This client has since turned into a very good partner in a completely different field.

But beyond the entrepreneurial results, there is a much greater reward: I’ve given myself a working method that allows me to stay true to myself, remain close to my feelings, and always be sincere. I’ve always felt this was important but thought it was impossible in a business relationship due to misplaced priorities (security, money). What I always believed was confirmed: if you focus on connection and follow your heart and intuition, you will be richly rewarded!

Also by this author

Soon Available

I Give Birth To The Universe

After great success in the Netherlands, with over 19,000 copies sold, I Give Birth to the Universe has now been translated into English and will be available soon.

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Tessa Smits

"I am Tessa Smits, and I will take you on an adventurous journey to explore the unknown and the supposedly impossible. My second novel, ‘I Give Birth To The Universe’, is a prime example of this, where our infinite creative power takes center stage. For me, art is the means to make tangible what cannot be expressed in words. Whether I’m creating art, writing, or crafting something else, my intention remains the same: to seek out what truly touches us, what is real, and what reminds us as human beings of who we truly are—immeasurably powerful."

Tessa Smits

Author & Artist | Creator of ‘I Give Birth to the Universe’ | Weaving Visuals and Words into New Worlds

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